Hello readers…WELCOME TO MY BLOG! As you can tell, I am so excited to be writing this for you all. I cannot believe the time has come where I get to share with you all the amazing things in the design world and so much more!
Let's start off by introducing who I am, what LBI is all about and what I will be discussing in this blog. So here it goes, Hi everyone, I'm Lillian Blair Dale ( I really go by Blair though…) and I am the brains behind the LBI Operation :) I don't want to go into too much depth about me, I could blab on and on about my childhood and why design is so important to me…that is all under the "about" tab; go take a look (can put a face to the name too). To keep it brief, Interior Design has always been apart of my life as long as I can remember. I started LBI fresh out of school in 2019 and I have been loving every minute of it.
Let's get down to the real reason I am here and why you're reading this; about this blog! I will start off by talking about the blog name….called The Way I Talk! Now this came from one of my favourite country songs by Morgan Wallen "The Way I Talk". I thought naming the blog after a country song really is who I am! The first line in the song is "It's got a touch of the town where I grew up" and my designs have a flare of Blair in them (see what I did there).
Now let's get into the details of the blog; get down and dirty friends you are going to learn so much through my posts! I want you to walk away learning something new, inspired or even just with a big smile on your face (since I really don't know anything about blogging…it'll probably make you laugh)! I want to talk about everything to do with interior spaces, exterior looks, trends, reviews on projects or some of my favourite places in the GTA, decorating and everything in-between.
My posts will come out on Monday's; yes I know Monday's are our least favourite day…hence why I want to add a little sunshine on those days for everyone! There is really no schedule to when I will post them, it will be a surprise on Monday's for all you readers! Add a note to your calendar or an alarm for Monday's (because we all know we will forget) to stay up to date on the posts and be the first ones to get to read "The Way I Talk". This will be a wild ride…so please friends, sit back, grab some wine and snacks, and enjoy all the lovely things about Design & More!
Until next time lovelies ♡